
Showing posts from December, 2005

Everything is slowing down

Winter has definitely arrived and the cold days and nights have put a real damper on the building process. John and Pete worked on the road this week to try to alleviate some of the mud issues. More than 50 tons of stone was dumped on the road in various places. Fortunately for me I've been able to pick up some freelance work. It's really nice to have something to do besides waiting for the snow to melt and the earth to dry out.

Snow Day!

Even the old barn looks good in the snow. Who knows... maybe we can turn it into the next Nelson County Ski Resort, or just a nice place to watch the snow and sip hot cocoa and coffee. Maybe a little bakery in the chicken house and a book store in the loft. Hmmm.....

God definitely made snow


We interupt this blog for an urgent sledding report

We only got a couple of inches, but it was enough for us to have a great time. Leslie wasn't able to get the picture of me doing an endo but we did get a couple good ones of the youngster.

Update on the well

Water was found just past 200 feet and drilling went down to 300 feet. The supply is just under 2 GPM. The plan is to take it down to 400 feet in order to create a reservor and possibly increase production.

Feels like snow!

The sledding hill is has cut and the sleds are staged for take-off. So what if the footing trenches fill up with snow. It will eventually melt, but in the mean time... BONSAI!

Very well. Thanks for asking.

The set-up of the well drilling rig was done a few days ago, but drilling began today. The bright green machine cranked up with a howl and a huge puff of smoke. You could feel the ground pulse as the hammer drill pounded down through the clay and stone. Even though the equipment is fairly massive, the operator, David McGann, runs it like an extension of his own hand. Look out China! Here we come.