Start off with sure footings.

Nothing beats good help. Thanks a bunch to Tim and Don for helping us out on the concrete pour today. Twelve and a half yards of concrete went into the footings with just enough left over to pour around one of the culverts.



I feel like if you keep up with this I might learn to build a house on this blog.
Dave(id) said…
Holy crap. I thought you were renovating a house (maybe that's more difficult???). Lots of work it looks like, but damn the satisfaction when you're done will be incredible!
Jeff said…
Building a house definately poses a different set of challenges from remodeling, but I'm really excited about knowing everything about the house from the inside out. If I had my act together I'd be taking a whole lot more pictures along the way. I'm hopiing that it will provide a really nice digital history when we are done. Thanks for your comments!

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