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So how many corners are in this house?
For my first "Built From Scratch" house, I really picked a tough one. The next one should be a piece of cake. The Form-a Drain product seems to be a good one. Just remember that it is plastic and it will break if you drop something heavy on it (like a big pry-bar). Note to self: Get your site nice and level before starting the set up. The 90 degree step down adapters are pretty much junk but the rest of it went together really well. I would definitely recommend renting a rebar cutter/bender. It sure beats a hack saw.
On The Road Again
Home building has taken a back seat to road building over the past two weeks. And I can tell you -- IT'S A LONG WALK TO THE MAIL BOX! We decided to bring the road up along a contour line instead of shooting straight up the back. It made for a much more manageable slope but added significant length. I can't wait to try a full speed run down the hill on the bike. Hopefully we will get enough snow to try the sled out as well. If you come through town stop by and try it out. Happy motoring!