It all starts here

At least for me... I've finally jumped on the blog-wagon.

I'm still working on my first cup of coffee so hold on to your spell checker.

Leslie and I have been going over floor plans for our house. The idea of building something from scratch is really exciting and really scary at the same time. I'm hoping that I can use this to catalog our progress through this new adventure.

I've already started receiving bids for things like windows, metal roof, foundation, framing, etc. It's amazing how much things cost, but it's even more amazing how much houses with little detail or character or truly custom features are selling for. We are still planning on buildign a guest cottage which is open to any and all seeking a little R & R in the mountains. We won't make it for this season, but if there are any skiers out there that are headed to Wintergreen -- keep us in mind!

Thanks for all the support from everyone.


Can't wait to see/read it all unfold on this blog.

Better yet, I just need to get up there and see all of what you have going on.

How's Thursday looking?
Dave(id) said…
Hey there Farmboy, good to see ya doing well. Sounds like you've got your hands full, good stuff though. Looking forward to reading the updates!

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