It's getting close to camping season
The nights are cooling down. The air is crisp.
John and I, along with Melvin and his bulldozer, created a beautiful spot down near the creek. We have one or more Great Blue Herons that frequent the stream and Canadian geese have begun passing by.
Estimates keep coming in for different parts of the house even though Leslie and I have decided to make a few changes. Move a bathroom here - add some space there... It is certainly a treat working from scratch rather than trying to figure out an old house, although I was scrolling through some photos of my last house just last night. I really can't believe that Leslie has stuck by me through all this. She must be a bit crazy.
Anyway... The port-a-potty is in place. You can bath in the spring house. Bring plenty of chocolate, marshmallows, and gram crackers.
Fall is just around the corner.
John and I, along with Melvin and his bulldozer, created a beautiful spot down near the creek. We have one or more Great Blue Herons that frequent the stream and Canadian geese have begun passing by.
Estimates keep coming in for different parts of the house even though Leslie and I have decided to make a few changes. Move a bathroom here - add some space there... It is certainly a treat working from scratch rather than trying to figure out an old house, although I was scrolling through some photos of my last house just last night. I really can't believe that Leslie has stuck by me through all this. She must be a bit crazy.
Anyway... The port-a-potty is in place. You can bath in the spring house. Bring plenty of chocolate, marshmallows, and gram crackers.
Fall is just around the corner.