Aerial Survey

Louisa Aerial Survey flew this week to take pictures for the 2-foot contour topography map. Morris Foster set panels and established control points. Hopefully it will prove to be money well spent as we continue to develop the property.

We still have had no measurable rain. The dust and seed particles from the grass and weeds are overwhelming. I must have looked like I was dealing with a bio-hazard as I bush hogged with my hat, mask, and glasses. That would have been a good picture.

Our two antique old rusted square balers that Melvin pulled out of the woods now have a new home at Stumps Scrap Yard. The place is looking nicer all the time. The leaves will start changing in the coming week. Hopefully the dry weather won't dilute the fall foliage.


You should plan a leaf peeping weekend camping party.

with Smores and stuff.

I'd love to come out and camp for leaf peeping.
Jeff said…
What weekend would be good for you? We'll put something together. Wine and everything!

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