Everybody gets a piece or two!

So you want to dig a well and put in a septic field do ya?

First you go to the building inspection office and pay them some money for a well permit, and some more money for a septic permit -- but that's just the beginning! You then take those receipts to the Health Department and that's when the fun begins. They give you a packet of information and inform you that when you return the packet you will need to pay them some more money. Then after all that is done you get put on the schedule for a site inspection. If the site inspection goes well you can then call the folks that actually dig the well and install the septic system, and of course you have to pay them some more money as well.

The good news is that the people you give the money to are quite pleasant.


Ignore the spam!

WOW! spammed already who could believe it.

Everybody gets it and you can delete the message if you want.
Jeff said…
Yeah. I got all excited because I thought that somebody was actually reading.

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